Monday, April 24, 2006

Pink Grapefruit "Margaritas"

From Martha Stewart Living online

Serves 6

This nonalcoholic pink drink is a great treat for children during festive occasions. Sanding sugar is a large-grain decorative sugar; granulated sugar may be substituted.

2 tablespoons colored sanding sugar
1 lime
6 teaspoons pomegranate syrup or grenadine
1 1/2 cups pink grapefruit juice
2-4 tablespoons simple syrup

Place sanding sugar in a shallow dish or plate. Slice six thin rounds from the middle of lime; set aside. Rub lime wedge around rims of six glasses; dip each rim in sugar to coat. Pour 1 teaspoon pomegranate syrup into bottom of each glass.

Place grapefruit juice and 2 cups ice cubes in a blender with simple syrup. Process on high speed until ice is crushed. Pour frozen mixture into glasses, and stir to combine with syrup. Garnish with reserved lime rounds, and serve immediately.

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